Pierrette Desrosiers, keynote speaker and author, has been selected from a nationwide search to be featured in Mastering the Art of Success; a highly successful book series from Tennessee based Insight Publishing. The book features best-selling authors Les Brown (The Power of Purpose), Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul), and Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Success Principle: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be). Pierrette Desrosiers, Brown, Hansen, & Canfield, are joined by other well known authors, health experts, and speakers, each offering time-tested strategies for success in frank and intimate interviews.
Pierrette Desrosiers is the first work psychologist and specialized coach to respond to the agricultural sector in Canada. She is fascinated by the numerous human challenges in both the agricultural and corporate worlds. A powerful speaker, original and recognized by the agricultural sector, she sets a standard with her thoroughness, her humorous approach and the pertinence of her words. This psychologist is known for going straight to the heart of the concerns of her audience. Her academic training and impressive experience as a work psychologist, author, coach and trainer make her a sought-after public speaker. Curious and determined by nature, she fearlessly raises